Reebok Classic Pump “Glow in the Dark” 系列亮相

2014-09-01 发布时间
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为迎接即将到来的寒冷秋冬季节,Reebok Classic特地将旗下Reebok Pump Omni Run,、Reebok Pump Side、Reebok Pump Tongue 及Reebok Pump Court Victory Mid四双经典Pump鞋款组合在一起,组成全新“Glow in the Dark” 系列。鞋款分别使用醒目的薄荷绿、紫色、橙色及蓝色组成,鞋面则选用麂皮与网面拼接而成,鞋底则加入了可以在夜晚中发光的夜光元素设计。

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Reebok,Classic推出全新Pump,“  Reebok Classic Pump “Glow in the Dark” 系列亮相

Reebok,Classic推出全新Pump,“  Reebok Classic Pump “Glow in the Dark” 系列亮相

Reebok,Classic推出全新Pump,“  Reebok Classic Pump “Glow in the Dark” 系列亮相

Reebok,Classic推出全新Pump,“  Reebok Classic Pump “Glow in the Dark” 系列亮相

Reebok,Classic推出全新Pump,“  Reebok Classic Pump “Glow in the Dark” 系列亮相
